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The component LM4040EIM3X-2.5/NOPB is an original manufacturer part. This component LM4040EIM3X-2.5/NOPB is new and unused. The RoHS and Packaging status of LM4040EIM3X-2.5/NOPB are REEL RoHS.
Tectiva GmbH is an international independent stocking distributor since two decades. Over 5,000 customers worldwide trust us. You will only receive from us original goods from reliable sources.
This component LM4040EIM3X-2.5/NOPB from manufacturer TI with date code 16+ can be shipped directly from the Sonnenbuehl warehouse in Germany. Make an RFQ today - we are looking forward to offer you the component LM4040EIM3X-2.5/NOPB. Tectiva Germany is your partner for excess inventory, allocation parts EOL parts and special procurement of electronic components. Let's do it!
Click here to request the LM4040EIM3X-2.5/NOPB.
