The component TMP100NA/3K is an original manufacturer part. This component TMP100NA/3K is new and unused. The RoHS and Packaging status of TMP100NA/3K are REEL 2456 RoHS. |
Tectiva GmbH is an international independent stocking distributor since two decades. Over 5,000 customers worldwide trust us. You will only receive from us original goods from reliable sources. |
This component TMP100NA/3K from manufacturer TI with date code 19+ can be shipped directly from the Sonnenbuehl warehouse in Germany. Make an RFQ today - we are looking forward to offer you the component TMP100NA/3K. Tectiva Germany is your partner for excess inventory, allocation parts EOL parts and special procurement of electronic components. Let's do it! Click here to request the TMP100NA/3K. |
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